Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Removing crayons from your laundry

As a parent, I have made it a point to check pockets before I put anything in the wash, but that came after paying a huge price.  I know many parents share the same experience.  You put all the laundry in the washer and then dryer , but only to notice that after everything has dried that there ar crayon stains ALL over your clothes.  You child left crayons in his/her pockets and you forgot to take them out before washing.

Well, I found a great way to remove the stains.  Hopefully, you have a top-loading washer, if you don't, I would highly recommend going to a laundry mat just for this load.  You need to do this because you will need to soak your clothes in the hottest setting using the following concoction and a front-loader is NOT very good at soaking clothes.

In order to soak the clothes and remove the stains, you will need to obtain the following items:
  • 1full cap of detergent (solid or liquid, whichever you use)

  • 1 cup of borax
  • 4-6 scoops of OxiClean
  • 3-4 tablespoons of stain removing spray
Depending on the amount of laundry stains, I would later the amounts of the ingredients above.

Add all of the ingredients to the laundry and turn on the soak setting of your washer and allow to sit for about an hour.  Once it has soaked for a minimum of one hour, you may go ahead and do a normal wash and dry.

When you remove your clothing from the dryer, your laundry should no longer have any crayon stains!