Saturday, June 15, 2013

Sorting Game

So, I made this exactly 2 years ago.  Mikey was 2 and I thought I would make him a "sorting game" using foam stickers and foam paper.  He could sort either colors, shapes or numbers.  This was a great game.  It is now way too easy for him! :)

Friday, June 14, 2013

Here is the most recent project.  So, Mikey loves the show Wild Kratts..

He discovered this while using the PBSkids App on my iPad.  These two brothers are adventurous and wear creature power suits that change them into animals that they touch (and have to have the creature disk in order to do this).

Well, he said that he wanted a creature power suit.  So, I decided to look for some toys online, but there aren't any.  I did, however, see many home-made suits.  So, I decided to make my own as well.

I used felt for the black vest and yellow felt (as mikey requested it be yellow) for the creature power suit color.  You cannot tell, but there is a zipper on the right seam so that it was "invisiible."  I sewed the whole thing by hand, including the seams and zipper.  This part took me about 2-3 hours to do, I was so surprised I was able to do it so quickly.  But what took me the longest were the creature disks.  I found templates online and then started to make my own.  After I found them, I printed them out and then laminated them.  I don't have one of those hot laminators, just bought the sticker kind.  I cut each disk and laminated them individually, when they were all laminated, I put a velcro sticker on the back so that he could stick it to the felt.  Here is my end product on my son, Mikey!

Knitted Teddy Bear

So, this is an old project.  I made this teddy bear the winter before i even found out about being preggers with mikey (so 6 months before).  I took pictures during the progress and the end product.  Here it is...

Home-made Octonaut Walkie Talkie

Mikey bought himself the octonaut octopod a few weeks ago and said he wanted an octonaut walkie talkie. So, I cut up the box the octopod came in.  There was a piece inside the box that was perfect for the walkie talkie base.  Then, i cut up more of the pieces to decorate the outside and provide the shape insid the walkie talkie.  I made the inside of the walkie talkie using scrapbook pieces and then used buttons for the walkie talkie buttons.  Here is the final product.